
前沿性 国际化 重基础 高水平 研究与应用并重






博士毕业于浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院,深圳市“鹏城孔雀计划特聘岗位”C类人才。研究兴趣主要集中于神经振荡的认知功能,包括神经振荡的动态组织方式,生理来源(脑身交互),在基础认知(如听觉感知和言语加工)中的作用,以及其在脑疾病中的应用。主要研究工具为功能磁共振(fMRI),脑电图(EEG)和脑磁图(MEG)。近年来有多项工作以第一作者/共同第一/共同通讯发表在PLOS Biology, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, Human Brain Mapping等国际顶尖期刊在学术服务上,曾担任Brain,Neuroimage, Psychological Medicine, Cerebral Cortex,Human Brain Mapping等国际期刊审稿人。


2008.9 - 2012.6 杭州电子科技大学,计算机学院,网络工程,工学学士

2012.9 - 2015.6 杭州师范大学,教育学院,临床认知神经科学,教育学硕士,导师:翁旭初,合作导师:Georg Northoff

2017.9 – 2021.6 浙江大学,生物医学工程与仪器科学学院,电子信息技术及仪器,工学博士,导师:丁鼐

2019.12 - 2020.9 渥太华大学,皇家精神卫生研究中心,国家留学基金,联合培养博士项目,导师:Georg Northoff

2015.9 - 2016.5 北京大学心理与认知科学学院,科研助理,导师:罗欢

2016.5 - 2017.9 浙江大学医学院精神卫生中心,科研助理,导师:Georg Northoff

2021.8 - 至今 yl23455永利,脑疾病与认知科学研究中心,助理教授,硕士生导师






永利集团新引进高端人才科研启动项目,基于多模态的全脑活动动态特征与生理来源研究,2023-01 至 2025-12,在研,主持

深圳市科技创新委项目,稳定支持(面上项目),20220811094132001,基于功能磁共振的大脑全局动态模式研究,2022-10 至 2024-09,在研,主持




Zhang, J1., Liu, D. Q1., Qian, S., Qu, X., Zhang, P., Ding, N., & Zang, Y. F. (2023). The neural correlates of amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation: a multimodal resting-state MEG and fMRI–EEG study. Cerebral Cortex, 33(4), 1119-1129.

Zhang, Y1., Zhang, J1., Xie, M., Ding, N., Zhang, Y., & Qin, P. (2023). Dual interaction between heartbeat-evoked responses and stimuli. NeuroImage, 266, 119817.

Zhang, J1,#., & Northoff, G1,#. (2022). Beyond noise to function: reframing the global brain activity and its dynamic topography. Communications Biology, 5(1), 1350.

Wolff, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., Zhang, J., Choueiry, J., de la Salle, S., Knott, V., & Northoff, G. (2022). It’s in the timing: reduced temporal precision in neural activity of schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex, 32(16), 3441-3456.

Zhang, X., Guan, Q., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Zhu, W., Luo, Y., Zhang, H., & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2022). Aberrant Cross-Tissue Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease: Static, Dynamic, and Directional Properties. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 88(1), 273–290.

Wainio-Theberge, S., Wolff, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., Zhang, J., & Northoff, G. (2022). Variability and task-responsiveness of electrophysiological dynamics: Scale-free stability and oscillatory flexibility. NeuroImage, 256, 119245.

Hua, J., Wolff, A., Zhang, J., Yao, L., Zang, Y., Luo, J., ... & Northoff, G. (2022). Alpha and theta peak frequency track on-and off-thoughts. Communications Biology, 5(1), 209.

Lu, X1., Zhang, J. F1., Gu, F., Zhang, H. X., Zhang, M., Song, R. Z., ... & Northoff, G. (2022). Altered task modulation of global signal topography in the default-mode network of unmedicated major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders, 297, 53-61.

Hu, Y. T., Hu, X. W., Han, J. F., Zhang, J. F., Wang, Y. Y., Wolff, A., ... & Northoff, G. (2021). Childhood trauma mediates repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation efficacy in major depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 271(7), 1255-1263.

Wang, Y., Hu, X., Han, J., Scalabrini, A., Hu, Y., Hu, Z., ... Zhang, J#& Northoff, G#. (2021). Time is of essence-Abnormal time perspectives mediate the impact of childhood trauma on depression severity. Journal of psychiatric research, 137, 534-541.

Zhang, J., Huang, Z., Tumati, S., & Northoff, G. (2020). Rest-task modulation of fMRI-derived global signal topography is mediated by transient coactivation patterns. PLoS biology, 18(7), e3000733.

Tanabe, S., Huang, Z., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Fogel, S., Doyon, J., Wu, J., Xu, J., Zhang, J., Qin, P., Wu, X., Mao, Y., Mashour, G. A., Hudetz, A. G., & Northoff, G. (2020). Altered Global Brain Signal during Physiologic, Pharmacologic, and Pathologic States of Unconsciousness in Humans and Rats. Anesthesiology, 132(6), 1392–1406.

Gao, Y1., Zhang, J1., & Wang, Q. (2020). Robust neural tracking of linguistic units relates to distractor suppression. The European journal of neuroscience, 51(2), 641–650.

Duncan, N. W., Zhang, J., Northoff, G., & Weng, X. (2019). Investigating GABA concentrations measured with macromolecule suppressed and unsuppressed MEGA-PRESS MR spectroscopy and their relationship with BOLD responses in the occipital cortex. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 50(4), 1285–1294.

Zhang, J1., Magioncalda, P1., Huang, Z., Tan, Z., Hu, X., Hu, Z., Conio, B., Amore, M., Inglese, M., Martino, M1., & Northoff, G. (2019). Altered Global Signal Topography and Its Different Regional Localization in Motor Cortex and Hippocampus in Mania and Depression. Schizophrenia bulletin, 45(4), 902–910.

Zou, J., Feng, J., Xu, T., Jin, P., Luo, C., Zhang, J., Pan, X., Chen, F., Zheng, J., & Ding, N. (2019). Auditory and language contributions to neural encoding of speech features in noisy environments. NeuroImage, 192, 66–75.

Wang, Y1., Zhang, J1., Zou, J., Luo, H., & Ding, N. (2019). Prior Knowledge Guides Speech Segregation in Human Auditory Cortex. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 29(4), 1561–1571.

Huang, Z., Zhang, J., Wu, J., Liu, X., Xu, J., Zhang, J., Qin, P., Dai, R., Yang, Z., Mao, Y., Hudetz, A. G., & Northoff, G. (2018). Disrupted neural variability during propofol-induced sedation and unconsciousness. Human brain mapping, 39(11), 4533–4544.

Zhang, J1., Huang, Z1., Chen, Y1., Zhang, J., Ghinda, D., Nikolova, Y., Wu, J., Xu, J., Bai, W., Mao, Y., Yang, Z., Duncan, N., Qin, P., Wang, H., Chen, B., Weng, X., & Northoff, G. (2018). Breakdown in the temporal and spatial organization of spontaneous brain activity during general anesthesia. Human brain mapping, 39(5), 2035–2046.

Ding, N., Pan, X., Luo, C., Su, N., Zhang, W., & Zhang, J. (2018). Attention Is Required for Knowledge-Based Sequential Grouping: Insights from the Integration of Syllables into Words. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 38(5), 1178–1188.

Huang, Z., Zhang, J., Wu, J., Qin, P., Wu, X., Wang, Z., Dai, R., Li, Y., Liang, W., Mao, Y., Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Wolff, A., & Northoff, G. (2016). Decoupled temporal variability and signal synchronization of spontaneous brain activity in loss of consciousness: An fMRI study in anesthesia. NeuroImage, 124(Pt A), 693–703.

Huang, Z., Zhang, J., Longtin, A., Dumont, G., Duncan, N. W., Pokorny, J., Qin, P., Dai, R., Ferri, F., Weng, X., & Northoff, G. (2017). Is There a Nonadditive Interaction Between Spontaneous and Evoked Activity? Phase-Dependence and Its Relation to the Temporal Structure of Scale-Free Brain Activity. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 27(2), 1037–1059.

Qin, P., Wu, X., Huang, Z., Duncan, N. W., Tang, W., Wolff, A., Hu, J., Gao, L., Jin, Y., Wu, X., Zhang, J., Lu, L., Wu, C., Qu, X., Mao, Y., Weng, X., Zhang, J., & Northoff, G. (2015). How are different neural networks related to consciousness?. Annals of neurology, 78(4), 594–605.

Huang, Z., Davis, H. H., IV, Yue, Q., Wiebking, C., Duncan, N. W., Zhang, J., Wagner, N. F., Wolff, A., & Northoff, G. (2015). Increase in glutamate/glutamine concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex during mental imagery: A combined functional mrs and fMRI study. Human brain mapping, 36(8), 3204–3212.

Huang, Z., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Dai, R., Wu, J., Li, Y., Liang, W., Mao, Y., Yang, Z., Holland, G., Zhang, J., & Northoff, G. (2014). Altered temporal variance and neural synchronization of spontaneous brain activity in anesthesia. Human brain mapping, 35(11), 5368–5378.


