
前沿性 国际化 重基础 高水平 研究与应用并重







研究领域包括:认知灵活性、认知稳定性以及二者的权衡机制等,研究方向及手段主要是:采用行为建模和脑成像等方法考察上述心理现象的影响因素及其神经机制。目前以第一作者在Journal of Neuroscience、Cerebral Cortex、Neuroimage等国际顶级或权威期刊发表SCI/SSCI论文十余篇(含共同第一作者),主持国家自然科学基金,深圳市基础研究项目,深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养项目等基金,获省级优秀博士学位论文,省级自然科学二等奖(第二完成人)等奖项。


2012年09月- 2015年06月 西南大学心理系 基础心理学专业 获硕士学位

2015年09月- 2018年06月 西南大学心理系 基础心理学专业 获博士学位

2018年07月-至今 yl23455永利 副教授、助理教授,硕士生导师





注意引导绑定假设框架下的冲突适应神经机制研究(2018年~ 2021年,国家自然科学基金,参与)

奖励调节认知灵活性和认知稳定性权衡的机制(2020年~ 2022年,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持)

认知灵活性和认知稳定的权衡:奖励的影响作用(2020年~ 2023年,深圳市自然科学基金基础研究面上项目,主持)

认知灵活性中外源性控制和内源性控制相互作用的心理和脑机制(2022年~ 2024年,深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养项目,主持)

社会从众对有效利他行为的影响及其认知神经机制(2024年~ 2027年,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,参与)


[1].Qiao L, Zhang L, Chen A*. Brain connectivity modulation by Bayesian surprise in relation to control demand drives cognitive flexibility via control engagement. Cerebral Cortex, 2023, 33(5): 1985-2000.

[2].Qiao, L,Zhang, L, Chen, A*., & Egner, T. Dynamic trial-by-trial recoding of task-set representations in the frontoparietal cortex mediates behavioral flexibility.Journal of Neuroscience, 2017, 37(45): 11037-11050.

[3].Qiao, L#, Xu, M#, Luo, X, Zhang, L, Li, H, & Chen, A*. Flexible Adjustment of the Effective Connectivity between the Fronto-Parietal and Visual Regions Supports Cognitive Flexibility.NeuroImage, 2020: 117158.

[4].Qiao, L,Zhang, L, Li, H, & Chen, A. (2022). Control transition between cued and voluntary choice tasks: Effects on cognitive flexibility. Current Psychology, 1-11.

[5].Qiao, L#, Luo, X#, Zhang, L, Chen, A, Li, H, & Qiu, J*. (2020). Spontaneous brain state oscillation is associated with self-reported anxiety in a non-clinical sample.Scientific Reports,10(1), 1-11.

[6].Qiao L,Xu L, Che X, Zhang L, Li YD, Xue G, Li H, Chen A*. The Motivation-Based Promotion of Proactive Control: The Role of Salience Network.Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2018, 12: 328.

[7].Qiao, L, Wei, DT, Li, WF, Chen, QL , Che, XW , Li, BB , Li, YD, Qiu, J*, Zhang, QL*, Liu, YJ. Rumination mediates the relationship between structural variations in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and sensitivity to negative life events.Neuroscience, 2013, 255: 255-264.

[8].Xu, MS#,Qiao, L#, Qi, SQ , Li, ZA, Diao, LT , Fan, LX , Zhang, LJ, Yang, D*. Social exclusion weakens storage capacity and attentional filtering ability in visual working memory.Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2017, 13(1): 92-101.

[9].Luo X#,Qiao L#, Che X*. Self-compassion modulates heart rate variability and negative affect to experimentally induced stress.Mindfulness, 2018, 9(5): 1522-1528.

[10].Zhang L#,Qiao L#, Xu M, Che, X, Diao, L, Yuan, S,Du, X, & Yang, D*. (2019). Role of personal relative deprivation in promoting working memory capacity for neutral social information: Facial expressions and body motions.Personality and Individual Differences,150, 109464.

[11].Zhang, L#,Qiao, L#, Xu, M, Fan, L, & Yang, D.. (2021). Personal relative deprivation impairs ability to filter out threat-related distractors from visual working memory.International Journal of Psychophysiology, 162(2).

[12].Li, YD#,Qiao, L#, Sun, JZ, Wei, DT, Li, WF, Qiu, J, Zhang, QL*, Shi, HY*. Gender-specific neuroanatomical basis of behavioral inhibition/approach systems (BIS/BAS) in a large sample of young adults: a voxel-based morphometric investigation.Behavioural Brain Research, 2014, 274: 400-408.

[13].Zhao, HC#,Qiao, L#, Fan, DQ#, Zhang, SY, Turel, O, Li, YH, Li, J, Xue, G, Chen, AT, He, QH*. Modulation of brain activity with noninvasive transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): clinical applications and safety concerns.Frontiers in psychology, 2017, 8: 685.

[14].Zhang L#,Qiao L#, Che X, Xu MS, Chen QL, Yang WJ, Qiu J*, Yang D*. Volumetric evidence of the mediating role of mental imagery in episodic memory effect on divergent thinking.Current Psychology, 2019: 1-11.

[15].Qiao L, Zhang L, Chen A*. Control dilemma: Evidence of the stability–flexibility trade-off. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2023, 191: 29-41.

[16].Zhang, L, Xu, M, Du, X, Yang, Q, &Qiao, L*.Scarcity mindset impairs distractor suppression but not target enhancement in selective attention: Evidence from ERPs. Neuropsychologia, 2023: 191, 108739.

[17].Zhang, L,Qiao, L*, Xu, M, Fan, L, Du, X, & Yang, D. Personal relative deprivation impairs the ability to inhibit impulsive responses: an exploratory ERP study. Cognitive Processing, 2023: 1-10.

[18].Zhuang, Q#,Qiao, L#, Xu, L, Yao, S, Chen, S, Zheng, X, ... & Becker, B. The right inferior frontal gyrus as pivotal node and effective regulator of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical response inhibition circuit. Psychoradiology, 2023, 3: kkad016.

