
前沿性 国际化 重基础 高水平 研究与应用并重








在粤港澳大湾区国家战略和国家十四五纲要加强粤港澳产学研协同发展的指引下,由yl23455永利主办,中山大学、香港中文大学、香港教育大学和澳门大学协办的大湾区心理科学青年学者论坛“Greater Bay Area Young Scholars Forum on Psychological Science”将于2021108-10日举行。

本论坛旨在为大湾区心理学研究生提供交流学术成果、共享职业发展信息和合作孵化的平台。会议拟邀请来自美国的Nancy Eisenberg教授、Art Kramer教授,Keith Kelley教授和Jeffrey Arnett博士为参会师生做关于英文论文发表、认知可塑性和青年心理发展等主题的大会主题报告。



# 会议投稿 #











-邮件主题:Greater Bay Area Forum Abstract






Greater Bay Area Young Scholars Forum on Psychological Science

Host: Shenzhen University

October 8-10,2021

Virtual Conference


01 About the forum

In the context of internationalization, the forum aims to provide postgraduate and undergraduate students in psychology in the Greater Bay Area with opportunities for

-Academic exchange (through selected participating students presenting original research in various areas of psychology)

-Professional development (through invited world-leading scholars delivering talks on conducting and publishing state-of-the-art psychological research)

-Collaboration incubation (through the organizing universities communicating about their research focuses and resources)


02 Organizing Universities


Shenzhen University

Sun Yat-Sen University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Education University of Hong Kong

University of Macau


03 Distinguished Speakers


Nancy Eisenberg 

——Regents Professor in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University

She has served as Editor or Associate Editor of journals including Psychological Bulletin, American Psychologist, Child Development Perspectives, and Developmental Psychology. She will talk at the Forum on “Publishing in English Journals: Procedures, Expectations, and How to Navigate the System.”

Art Kramer 

——Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Cognitive & Brain Health at Northeastern University

His research projects include topics in aging, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and human factors. He will talk at the Forum on his lab’s recent research that focuses on the understanding and enhancement of cognitive and neural plasticity across the lifespan.

Keith Kelley

——Professor Emeritus of Immunophysiology at the University of Illinois

He is served as Editor-in-Chief of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity from 2003 through 2017. At the Forum, he will talk about how to publish papers at top academic journals.

Jeffrey Arnett

——Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Massachusetts

His research focuses on "emerging adulthood", a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. He will talk at the Forum on” Becoming an Adult in China and Worldwide: The New Life Stage of Emerging Adulthood.”

04 Call for Abstracts

Original research by postgraduate and undergraduate students enrolled in psychology and relevant programs at five organizing universities will be selected for oral and poster presentations in English at the Forum.

Empirical research on a wide range of topics is welcome (e.g., in cognitive and biological, social and personality, industrial and organizational, developmental and educational, and counseling and clinical psychology).

The five organizing universities will separately select their own students to present.

There will be no registration fee. Interested students please email a simple application with abstract (in English) to Chao Wang (Email: in the following format by August 26th, 2021. A confirmation email with an invitation letter will be sent to eligible students by September 1st, 2021.


Email format:

-Subject: Greater Bay Area Forum Abstract

-Content: Applicant’s full name, year and program of studies, your preference for oral or poster presentation 

-Attachment: Abstract in English (<300 words) and a copy of your student ID.


05 Presentation Awards

Prizes will be given for outstanding oral & poster presentations, according to originality and quality of the research as well as creativity and effectiveness of the presentation, and to be based on both teacher evaluation and audience voting. All awardees will receive certificates and cash award.

Oral presentation

First prize

5 people

RMB 4,000

Second prize

5 people

RMB 2,000

Third prize

10 people

RMB 1,500

Poster presentation

First prize

5 people

RMB 2,000

Second prize

5 people

RMB 1,000

Third prize

10 people

RMB 500


Sponsored by

Shenzhen University: International Collaboration in Research and Scholarship &Research Fund for Institute of KEEP Collaborative Innovation

Hong Kong University Grants Committee: Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance Symposiums on Greater Bay Area Fund


